In order to provide you with timely information of account movements and balances, daily or monthly statement of account will be issued to you via mail or email. Also you can login to our Consolidated e-Service to retrieve your statement.
Consolidated e-Service
No matter how many accounts (Individual Account or Joint Account) you are maintaining with us, you can review all these accounts’ daily statement of up to 180 days and monthly statements of up to 6 months through e-Service at any time in anywhere. You can also download the statements in your personal computer with no more paper filing.
Daily Statements
Daily Statements will be issued to clients subsequent to any cash movement or transactions carried out in the account no later than the next business day in respect of such movement or transactions.
Monthly Statements
Monthly Statements will be issued on the beginning of the next month, including details of any cash movements and transactions carried out in the account in the month.
Receiving Statements
Clients may elect to receive their statements via mail or email. For the latter, clients are required to install Acrobat Reader to browse an e-statement, and clients shall frequently manage your mailbox for space to receive e-statements.