Shanghai Connect & Shenzhen Connect

Fees and taxes applicable to a Northbound trade

  1. Handling Fee

    Securities: 0.00341% of the consideration of a transaction per side
    ETF: 0.004% of the consideration of a transaction per side

  2. Securities Management Fee

    Securities: 0.002% of the consideration of a transaction
    ETF: Waived

  3. Transfer Fee*

    Securities: 0.001% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under ChinaClear’s Rules; and
    Securities: 0.002% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under the General Rules of CCASS.
    ETF: Waived under ChinaClear’s Rules; and
    ETF: 0.002% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under the General Rules of CCASS.

  4. Stamp Duty

    Securities: 0.05% of the consideration of a transaction on the seller
    ETF: Waived

Receipt & Delivery Service Charges

  1. Receipt (SI)


  2. Securities Settlement Withdrawal (SI)

    0.25% of stock market value
    Minimum charge per stock HK$500 or equivalent RMB

    CCASS Fee, 0.002% of stock market value
    Minimum charge HKD$2
    Maximum charge HKD$100

All the above fees and levies will be collected from CCASS Participants’ designated bank accounts at day-end of T day.

Fees and taxes to be confirmed with the relevant regulators/authorities:

  1. Portfolio Fee

    Annual Interest Rate 0.008%, calculated on a daily basis and collected on a monthly basis. (Market value of A share x 0.008%/365)

  2. Dividend Tax

    Applicable to cash dividend and bonus issue
    Subject to clarification with SAT

  3. Capital Gain Tax

    Applicable to share disposal
    Subject to clarification with SAT

Dividend tax will be withheld by issuer and ChinaClear upon dividend payment.

Important note: The information and materials contained are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and may be amended or changed in the course of implementation of China Connect.